Prints that could be made from this artwork
Me with my father when I was a few days old. 
Me With my father.
Baby cuddles tshirt
This artwork has been registered with the US Copyright Office in 2021, Certificate No: VAu 1-440-561
Acrylic, hand painted rainbow.
Artwork made by little people for little people. Quirky, playful, charming, childlike, humorous, irreverent and endearing.
Suitable for all ages, children, grown-ups, and those who have not really grown up ;) Inspired by the children's Mr. Men books by Roger Hargreaves. Suitable for apparel and decor.  Please refer to the print and tshirt example. Other rainbow designs are available in this series. The work can can be used on a variety of merchandise from homewares, home decor, apparel and stationary. Please refer to the examples. There are eleven works available in this series. No children's books are included with this artwork. The copyright for this work is available for 5,800 pounds (this also includes the artwork) this will give the owner complete ownership of the work enabling them to use the work on any products and in all international markets. Please drop us a line for details.
This artwork was created during lockdown a difficult time for most people an especially difficult time for NHS staff and the weak and the vulnerable. This is why I'm donating the proceeds from this artwork and other rainbow artworks to the NHS. It's a small thank you and gesture of appreciation for their dedication and sacrifices. I was born with dislocated hips and had to undergo many operations during my baby and childhood years, it was not fun. I'm grateful for the dedication of the doctors, nurses, NHS Staff and my parents, for the sacrifices they made and everything they have done, this artwork is dedicated to them. Thank you. 
Price for Copyright: 5,200 sterling